Vista Jail Nurse Responded to Fatal Military Crash

Vista Detention Facility Supervising Nurse Arnold Fajayan sprang into action to help Marines injured in a military helicopter crash.

Vista Detention Facility Supervising Nurse Arnold Fajayan sprang into action to help Marines injured in a military helicopter crash.

Supervising nurse Arnold Fajayan, assigned to the Vista Detention Facility, was celebrating his daughter’s graduation from the University of Hawaii with a planned family picnic on the beach on May 17 -- when he suddenly witnessed a nearby military helicopter crash.

Fajayan started working for the County 14 months ago, after retiring from the U.S. Navy as a registered nurse attached to the Marine Corps while on deployments.

On that day, he recalled seeing the Marine Osprey helicopters doing touch down exercises on a nearby base and then one helicopter went up but came back down again at a tilt.

“Eventually, it started to plummet and that’s when I saw the smoke, the debris and parts of the propeller fly up in the air,” he said. “That’s when I started running over to the crash site.”

Fajayan said he reached a fenced area and was met by some airmen who had responded. He told them he was a retired Navy nurse and they told him to climb over the fence. Other responding lifeguards and airmen had already pulled out three or four Marines, and he immediately began tending to one. The helicopter Marine unit was assigned to Camp Pendleton and its troops were training in Hawaii before deploying to Afghanistan.

The young Marine Fajayan assisted would eventually perish from his injuries, one of two Marines killed in the crash, but in that moment Fajayan thought it was possible he might recover if he could get him to a hospital quickly. The Marine, who had celebrated his 21st birthday only days prior, was breathing a little easier after Fajayan inserted a nasal airway, but Fajayan was still concerned about the head injury he’d suffered.

A surgeon and active duty Air Force major who had also responded offered up his vehicle to take the injured to the hospital and Fajayan got his patient loaded into the vehicle and rode with him to the hospital, where he later died.

“It was an honor to be in that place at that moment and to be able to provide assistance to that young Marine,” Fajayan said.

Fajayan said the moment was intense and brought a lot of his memories of serving in Afghanistan to the forefront. 

“As I approached the crash site, I felt the heat and smelled the smoke and the debris, the dirt and dust still flying up in the air so I got that sense of entering a battle-type environment,” he said. “It was emotional and physical.

 “Your focus is on helping the injured and the commitment to just go help without taking into regard safety for your own,” he said. “Once I got there and saw the injuries, it brought back the type of injuries that I’ve seen in Afghanistan from IEDs and gunshot wounds.”

Fajayan said in the moment, that emotion is set aside, but it does settle in afterward. It caused him to reflect back on his military career and the trauma he’s witnessed. Yet ultimately, he felt honored not only to have helped the Marine last May, but also to have been a member of the military and to be able to help injured troops and civilians. His supervisor says the actions are one more example of what she sees regularly on the job.

"Arnold's willingness to help is evidenced every day at work.  The fact that he responded to someone in need while on vacation, does not surprise me in the least. He is a real asset to Medical Services Division and I am personally very proud of him," said Nancy Booth, Sheriff's Detention's Director of Nursing. 

AAACE Celebrates 150th Anniversary of Juneteenth

Submitted by Kimberly Pettiford

On June 19, the African-American Association of County Employees (AAACE) employee resource group celebrated the 150th Anniversary of Juneteenth at the County Operations Center. Juneteenth is the observance of the abolishment of slavery in the United States. This year’s national Juneteenth theme, "Building Upon Our History, Creating a Brighter Future," was also a call to action for AAACE.

The employee resource group chose to commemorate sesquicentennial celebration by bringing together former San Diego County Supervisor Leon Williams and retired San Diego County executive trailblazer Cecil Steppe with current County executives Marie Brown-Mercadel and Mack Jenkins and Dale Fleming—our connections to the past and future.

The Juneteenth celebration increased people’s knowledge about this historical event and its impact on African American culture. It also brought an enhanced awareness of how current San Diego community members and County leadership have contributed to this rich history. And foremost, the event inspired everyone to continue to grow as individuals.  For more information about the event and AAACE visit

CAO Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Probation Officer Mack Jenkins and Deputy Director of HHSA Marie Brown-Mercadel

Lettuce Honor the Salad Cook-Off Winners

Eight County employees competed in a live culinary competition on Thursday to celebrate the start of the summer season and Employee Wellness. The Summer Slam Salad Cook-Off Contest at the County Operations Center proved that salads with fresh ingredients can be both healthy and delicious.

Each contestant created a dish made with colorful produce provided by the farmers market stand and had just 30 minutes to “shop,” prepare and plate their meal. The contenders used crisp lettuces, juicy strawberries, buttery avocadoes and dozens of other farm-fresh fixings. Extra ingredients, including dressings and cheeses, were also available for the gourmet group.

A panel of judges then tasted the fare and declared a winner. Here are the best of the best:

#1 Virginia Exner

#2 Maria Adame-Chavez

#3 Ebony Rice (tie)

#3 Jennifer Winfrey (tie)

#4 Chakecia Rhone

#5 Megan Shea

#6 Maria Lourdes Beck

#7 Ranel Velasquez

The “celebrity” judges were COC cafeteria manager Javier Almanza, COC property manager Kathleen Devlin, DHR Benefits Manager Elaine Pitpit and Diana Bishop with Kaiser.

The winning salad included strawberries, dried cranberries, almonds and orange wedge slices topped with a vinaigrette dressing.

Virginia Exner’s Salad Recipe

Salad Ingredients:

  • 3 cups basil - torn up
  • 1 package strawberries (approximately  20 berries) - sliced
  • 2 avocados - cubed into bite size pieces
  • 1 handful of dried cranberries
  • 1 small yellow bell pepper- sliced into thin slivers
  • ½ cup crumbled brie cheese or blue cheese
  • 1 handful almonds - chopped into small pieces
  • 1 lime
  • 6 mint leaves
  • ½ orange- prepared in wedge slices

Dressing Ingredients:

  • ½ orange
  • 1/3 cup grape seed oil (or any light olive oil of choice)
  • 3 tablespoons dark vinegar or prepared vinaigrette (Serrano Pepper Honey Vinaigrette)
  • 3 tablespoons honey


  1. Prepare dressing by mixing oil, vinaigrette and honey. Squeeze juice from half of the orange into the dressing and set aside.
  2. Toss together basil, avocado, strawberries, cranberries, cheese and peppers in large salad bowl. Set aside 5 or 6 strawberries and 5 or 6 avocado wedges for garnish.
  3. Mix in dressing to lightly cover all ingredients.
  4. Sprinkle almonds on top and squeeze a little lime juice over the salad.
  5. Garnish each serving with orange wedge, strawberry, avocado slice and mint sprig.
  6. Have fun!

Learn more about the Employee Wellness Program on Insite.

Determination Forms Bond Over Bucket List Item

Laura Zetmeir, right, a protective services supervisor for HHSA's Child Welfare Services, and her 70-year-old father, left, ran the 21-mile version of the Big Sur International Marathon together. Running the race was on her father's bucket list.

Laura Zetmeir, right, a protective services supervisor for HHSA's Child Welfare Services, and her 70-year-old father, left, ran the 21-mile version of the Big Sur International Marathon together. Running the race was on her father's bucket list.

There was no stopping Laura Zetmeir.

Not a bulging disc. Not a pinched nerve. Not even the suggestion from her doctor that she take a break from running.

Zetmeir, a protective services supervisor for HHSA’s North Inland Child Welfare Services, was determined to help her 70-year-old father check running a marathon off his bucket list.

The two of them ran and finished the 21-mile version of the Big Sur International Marathon.

“I had done several half-marathons so this was kind of the next step,” said Zetmeir. “I figured if my dad can do it and he’s 70, I should be able to do it.

“It was on his bucket list and he said, ‘I don’t want to do this alone will you come do it with me?’ and how could I say no to that when he’s challenging me to do something and he’s 70?”

Her dad had been running since he was in his 30s, but Zetmeir had only taken up running about three or four years ago.

Her training for the run was severely hampered by the bulging disc and pinched nerve in her arm.

“The furthest I was able to run was 12 miles, but that was six weeks before the run,” she said. “I had run a little since then but the doctor advised me not to run (such a long distance).

“But there was no way I wasn’t going to do the race, even if I had to walk the whole thing.”

One of the photos Laura Zetmeir took while she was running in the Big Sur International Marathon. The course ran along the Pacific Coast Highway

Zetmeir said the scenery for the race was incredible and many runners stop periodically to take photos. The 21-mile course follows the Pacific Coast Highway from Andrew Molera State Park to Carmel.

“The first 13 miles I was stopping and taking pictures, but after that it was like, ‘I don’t care where I am just get me to the finish line.’

Among the beautiful coastline views for runners of the Big Sur International Marathon, they were entertained by a pianist playing Chariots of Fire on a baby grand piano as they ran by.“There was a piano player playing a baby grand on a cliff,” she said. “That was by far the highlight. He was playing Chariots of Fire as we were running by.”

She finished the race in just under five hours and her father was only 20 minutes behind her. They were cheered at the finish line by her husband, 8-year-old twins and her mother. She was also greeted by several text messages from co-workers.

“Hopefully I’ve inspired somebody,” she said.  “At least one person!”

Since the race, she’s been running on a treadmill about five days a week as her injuries continue to heal. She’s trying to make sure she’s 100 percent by the time fall soccer season comes around.

“I haven’t been able to play because of my injuries but I’m hoping to go back in September,” Zetmeir said. “You can get out your aggressions in soccer and it helps with the job stress.”

Laura Zetmeir posed along the Pacific Ocean coastline as she ran in the Big Sur International Marathon recently.More of the incredible scenery for runners at the Big Sur International Marathon course follwed the Pacific Coast Highway.

Free Emergency Supplies Available to Employees

Having a plan to survive during a disaster is critical for all County residents, but it’s especially important for you as a County employee. Our employees are disaster service workers by law. You may be asked to help during an emergency in a role outside of your normal job. 

Over the next month, all County employees will be asked to take a few simple steps to make sure you and your family are prepared: make a plan, build an emergency kit, sign up for text and phone alerts and get involved.

Each week during the month of July, you’ll get information by email and on InSite to help you complete each of the four preparedness steps, and we’ll help get you started.

Come to the County Operations Center Thursday, June 25 to get a free starter emergency supply kit (while supplies last). You’ll receive a container, flashlight, first aid kit and whistle to start off your “go kit.” The event will take place in the courtyard by the Commons from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Employees can also get a family disaster plan and register for AlertSanDiego to receive emergency messages on their home and cell phones.

In addition to being more prepared, you could win a deluxe emergency kit for your efforts. The kit includes a two-person tent, two sleeping bags, radio, first aid kit and more. To be entered into the drawing, check the item(s) you’ve completed on this form and submit it by Aug. 7:

You can also encourage other employees by sharing your story. Send us photos of you and your family getting ready for an emergency – putting together your kit, standing at your family’s emergency meeting location or any of the other steps—and we may use it on InSite! Email them to

Employees Unveil Live Well San Diego Mural


Employees at the HHSA Lemon Grove Family Resource Center and document processing center will see a new Live Well San Diego mural on their way into work every morning. The FRC's House Committee commissioned the work from local artist Lisa Ordaz of Carlsbad. "The Live Well San Diego intiative is not just about the County of San Diego, it's about our families, our friends, our communities and supporting the role we play everyday in building healthy, safe and thriving communities," said Marie Brown-Mercadel, HHSA east region general manager. "This mural really represents the work we've been doing the past five years."

The new Live Well San Diego mural was unveiled during a reception at the Lemon Grove Family Resource Center and document processing center.

Tweenie Heart-tugging Time!

Altogether now… awwww. No doubt about it – these tiny Tweenies are cute. But they need our help to grow up just a little bit more until they’re old enough to be adopted. Tweenies are so named because they are beTWEEN the age of 4 and 8 weeks.

“These babies aren’t to be confused with the newborn kitties which need to be bottle-fed round-the-clock,” said Animal Services Director Dawn Danielson. “Tweenies are at least four weeks old but they do need to be nurtured outside of the shelter in a safe, loving home to give them every chance possible to be adopted.”

And that’s where Animal Services is hoping you can come in. It needs some good, trustworthy employees who can act as foster parents for a period of one to four weeks, or until these babies are over two pounds.

Once they reach that weight or two months of age, these kittens will be old enough to return to Animal Services where they will be neutered or spayed, microchipped, vaccinated and placed in the adoption program. Usually they get snapped up right away because yes, they are adorable, but the kittens are also used to being around people. These fostered fur balls are friendly and like to play. Adopters like those traits in a kitten!

The Tweenie foster program isn’t new. The program started in 2007 with 36 foster parents and 125 Tweenie kittens. Last year, 100 foster parents cared for 750 babies. This year, the shelters have already seen 632 Tweenies come in the doors and foster parents on the Tweenie list have already been tapped.

If you’re tempted, it’s easy to become a foster parent. Animal Services gives you kitty food, bowls, toys, litter, bedding and of course kittens! You’ll need to take at least two because they need companionship of their own kind. You just need to provide the home, the care and snuggles. Fill out the application and you’ll be on your way.

If you happen to fall in love with your Tweenies, you’ll get the first chance at adopting them. Yes, that means you failed the foster program but Animal Services won’t be the least bit disappointed. In fact, it will probably keep you on the Tweenie foster list!

Maybe you love kittens but can’t possibly foster them. You can still help out. Animal Services has a new kitten nursery at its facility on Gaines Street just for Tweenies waiting for foster parents. Staff can always use a hand there or at any of the department ‘Kitteries’ with cleaning, feeding, weighing or if you’d rather, just plain playing and cuddling with these furry felines.

Either way, you can make a big difference by giving these Tweenies the head start they need to start new and happy lives in their forever homes.

Step Up Now, Be Better Prepared to Help in an Emergency

You’re always going the extra mile. Sometimes even the extra five kilometers!

This past weekend’s Live Well San Diego 5K was just the latest example of a really tremendous turnout by County employees for a great cause. Hundreds of you ran and walked, volunteered or just donated to make this benefit for the children at Polinsky Center a big success.

It was all the more impressive coming right on the heels – almost literally – of the March for Babies. Your efforts raised tens of thousands of dollars to help babies get a good start in life.

I’m so proud of the fact that every time we put out the word we need help for an important purpose, your response is amazing. Getting up early to join the Point-In-Time count of homeless people. On Election Day, working long hours at the polls or late into the night counting ballots. Making the Grand Opening of the Waterfront Park go smoothly. I see your commitment to serving the public each day and then watch you take it to another level in those special cases.

So I’m confident you’ll come through now for our next big opportunity to serve.

There’s no time people can use our help more than in a disaster. And despite a little welcome late spring rain, we are still in the middle of a severe drought, and we all know that means extreme fire danger.

So we need to get extremely prepared. We’re starting a big push to get more of you ready to help residents during a major disaster. And we need many of you to step up and add some specific skills.

Right now, our focus is on getting a few hundred more County employees trained to work in shelters for evacuees. During big emergencies, hundreds of thousands of people can be forced to suddenly flee their homes. We work closely with the American Red Cross and other organizations to make sure people have safe places to stay. But these groups can get stretched thin in a crisis. And if we wind up with firestorms like those we’ve seen – or even bigger – we want County staff ready to jump in.

Keep in mind, you’re a disaster service worker already. Every County employee is. It’s the law. Some of us have clearly identified roles in an emergency. But if you don’t, you can be assigned to something outside your normal duties.

But think how much better it is to be trained before flames are sweeping down a hillside. It puts the County in a much stronger position to help people at a time when every moment counts. The service you are able to offer will be better if you learn in advance rather than on the fly.

This drive for trained shelter staff is part of our Advanced Recovery Initiative. Other jobs in this program include answering phones for 2-1-1 San Diego, the public information line, and working at Local Assistance Centers, the one-stop shops we set up to help people through the recovery process after a disaster. Many of you have already gotten prepared to fill these roles. That’s great! We need to make sure we continue to have enough employees ready for these duties and really ramp up our shelter team.

As I said, you’ve answered the call to help over and over. I’m counting on you again. We want to get employees signed up as soon as possible to be ready for the peak of fire season. Naturally, you need to consider what your position is, what you might do in a disaster, and check with your supervisor about whether it makes sense for you to be one of those getting this extra training.

While we’re on the topic, please make sure you and your family have done your own emergency preparations. The safety of you and your loved ones is paramount. Stock up on supplies, go over your family disaster plan, get cell phones registered with AlertSanDiego. is a great resource for getting all of this done.

For the Shelter Team training, visit this Office of Emergency Services page (Sheriff, DA and SDCERA use this page). Thank you for going the extra mile to make our community safer!