Employee is Smitten with Kittens

Darin and his wife saw a call for employees to be foster parents to kittens on InSite. They fell such in love that they've since fostered more than a dozen kittens - dubbed tweenies -  for our animal care facilities. In fact, they love it so much, they wanted to share their experience with some of the kittens they had this summer. Tweenie season typically starts in the late spring. Darin and his wife just finished fostering their last batch of cuties. Here's their experience - and awwww-worthy photos, of course.

My wife and I are both county employees. One day, we noticed the cute image of four kittens posted on InSite’s homepage. The following day, we signed up to be “tweenie” foster parents. Since that day, our family has fostered 13 tweenies. Each one was an adorable, furry ball of cuteness!

What is a tweenie? A tweenie is a kitten under two pounds. Once they weigh more than that, they get put up for adoption. They were quickly adopted through the San Diego County Animal Shelter. With our two teenage boys home for the summer, the tweenies received constant attention. The smallest tweenies we fostered were a litter of four, weighing about five ounces each. All four of them would fit in one hand.

At the end of a work day, coming home to cute, playful tweenies, that run to you to greet you, and demand to be held, makes every day a better day. Tweenies brought peace and happiness to our home, and they will do the same for you. If you can give the amount of attention these little ones require, please become a foster parent. We plan on being foster parents every summer.

-Darin and Laura Hinesly

Enter the County’s Lip Sync Battle

Read our lips: you should participate in this year’s Lip Sync Battle! The annual showdown is looking for creative contestants to compete in the contest next month. Both solo acts and groups are invited to enter.

Lip Sync Battle contenders will take center stage at the Halloween festival at the County Operations Center on Oct. 31.

The Rules

In the first round, each entrant will perform one song. The top two challengers with the loudest crowd applause will advance to the second and final round. Contestants will be judged on their lip sync skills, creativity and stage presence.

How to Enter

To enter, send an email with the following: the names, titles and departments of everyone on your team, and the titles of two songs you’d perform. Contestants will be selected on a first come, first served basis. Finalists will be announced on InSite on Monday, Oct. 23.

Don’t Miss the Big Bash

The Lip Sync Battle is just one of the Halloween happenings planned for Oct. 31. The County’s annual festival at the County Operations Center will be back this year with a “Monster Ball” prom theme. In addition, the ever popular costume contest will be open to all County employees—so get your costume in order! Keep your eyes peeled to InSite for all the frighteningly fun details leading up the witching hour on Halloween. 

Live Well and Score Discounted Padres Tickets

Photo Credit: San Diego Padres

Photo Credit: San Diego Padres

Come out to cheer on the County’s newest Live Well San Diego partner—the San Diego Padres!

County employees can buy discounted tickets to the Padres Wednesday, Sept. 20 game against the Arizona Diamondbacks. First pitch is at 6:10 p.m., right after a special pre-game ceremony where Supervisor Ron Roberts and HHSA Director Nick Macchione will recognize the Padres as an official member of the Live Well San Diego team.

Tickets are $15 for upper infield and $22 for field level.

Purchase your discounted tickets now with password COUNTYNIGHT17. To purchase groups of 10 or more, please contact Jenna Sain at jsain@padres.com.

Open Enrollment Is Coming!

Open Enrollment starts Oct. 2, but you don’t need to wait to learn about benefits changes for 2018—get started today.

Review what is new and what is staying the same at the Department of Human Resources’ Benefits webpage. You’ll be able to access this information from your work and home computers. Plus, Open Enrollments Information Sessions will be held at several County worksites.

If you have any questions leading up to or during the enrollment period of Oct. 2 to 26, you can reach out to your Open Enrollment Benefits Ambassador. Questions can be directed to an ambassador from your group. Not sure which group you are in, we got you covered—check this handy organizational chart.

Free Flu Shots for County Employees

Seasonal flu vaccinations will be available to all County employees starting Sept. 19. All employees are encouraged to take advantage of this free benefit.

Flu shots will be available at 20 County worksites around the region. No appointment is necessary, but employees will need to show their County ID badge.

While it may seem early to think about your annual flu shot, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting the vaccination as soon as it’s available. Getting vaccinated before the start of the flu season gives the body a chance to build up immunity to the virus before it begins spreading in the community.  If you have concerns about the flu shot, please see this story from the County Immunization Program debunking common flu shot myths.

Find the full schedule on the Department of Human Resources’ Employee Benefits Division page.

Additional Tips to Stay Healthy

In addition to getting vaccinated, people should also do the following to avoid getting sick:

  • Wash hands thoroughly and often (How long is thoroughly? Watch!)

  • Use hand sanitizers

  • Stay away from sick people

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

  • Clean commonly touched surfaces

  • If you are sick, stay home and avoid contact with others

‘Face of DHR’ Retiring

If you've started working for the County in the past 20 years, there's a good chance you've met Human Resources Assistant Jeanne Peoples. She’s been at the front desk of the Department of Human Resources helping hopefuls with applications and candidates with background checks since 1997. She’s that friendly face that welcomed you into the County.

HR Analyst Lisa McAvoy-Grover said Peoples originally came in to interview for another position, but the Department of Human Resources recognized she would be great working with both the public and employees.

The hiring manager was “so impressed with her demeanor and people skills,” said McAvoy-Grover. “She was assigned to the front counter and has thrived there ever since then.”

It’s even in her name. Peoples is a people person. Known as the “customer service queen,” she’s won countless customer service awards and accolades over the past two decades.

Read more about Peoples’ experience over the years in this earlier profile.

HHSA Employees' School Supply Drive Adds Up for Needy Children

Some of the school supplies donated by HHSA employees at the North Central Family Resource Center/Public Health Center.

The numbers add up in a big way. And just in time for the start of school.

HHSA employees at the Family Resource Center and Public Health Center on Ruffin Road, along with the East and North Central Regions’ Community Health Engagement Team, had a very successful school supply drive for students at Walker Elementary School in Mira Mesa.

The employees collected 43 backpacks, 62 notebooks, 39 boxes of crayons, 24 boxes of pencils, 77 glue sticks and 15 boxes of pens, among many more items.

“We couldn’t have asked for a more generous gathering of supplies that helped the children who were in need,” said Nancy Gubany, a human services specialist who organized the drive with Monica Gillespie. “The school called to thank us and let us know that all the backpacks had been distributed and all the donations were much appreciated.”

Gubany and Gillespie are the HEART Jr. ambassadors for the Family Resource Center/Public Health Center. Jr. ambassadors promote positivity in the workplace, encourage coworkers to take customer service trainings and acknowledge staff that provide exceptional customer service.

Walker Elementary serves approximately 500 transitional kindergarten through fifth grade students.

Walker Elementary serves approximately 500 transitional kindergarten through fifth grade students.

Walker Elementary serves approximately 500 transitional kindergarten through fifth grade students.

Nancy Gubany, left, and Monica Gillespie are Jr. HEART ambassadors and organized the school supply drive.

County Wins Diversity and Inclusion Program Award

The County’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is getting some outside recognition: the San Diego Business Journal recently honored the County with a 2017 Diversity and Inclusion Award.

Honorees were selected for their focus on D&I in recruitment and retention, supplier diversity, commitment by management, corporate/social responsibility and veterans affairs.

Karen Harris, a member of the County’s Resource Team for Diversity and Inclusion, said award judges were really impressed with how much the County has accomplished since adopting a five-year Strategic Plan for Diversity and Inclusion in November 2015. The Business Journal called the County’s efforts “ambitious.”

“To be recognized as a local leader in diversity and inclusion, especially as the only government awardee, is really encouraging and exciting,” said Harris.

Some highlights of the County’s accomplishments include the creation of several  trainings on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, design of colorful displays and other promotional items encouraging employees to show their D&I pride, selection of 110 D&I champions to support the initiative, and participation in several outreach events. The committee also developed both internal and external websites with resources.

During this timeframe, D&I efforts have touched thousands of employees. In less than two years, more than 2,000 employees attended D&I presentations and more than 6,600 employee received 15,679 hours of D&I training.

Harris said this award reaffirms the County’s commitment to diversity and inclusion for its employees, customers and partners.

“D&I is contagious. Share your commitment and the County’s with others,” said Harris.

Learn more about the initiative on the Diversity & Inclusion website.

InTouch – Nature at Its Worst, People at Their Best

The pictures and stories coming out of Texas are mind-boggling. The Hurricane Harvey disaster is still unfolding, and it will be some time before anyone can get a handle on the scope of the devastation. It’s a major catastrophe that will affect the region for years and may send reverberations around the country.

The loss of life and property, the lives upended – it just crushes your heart. But amid all the tragedy, we’re also seeing so much that is inspiring. Sometimes it seems to take extreme adversity to put a spotlight on the very best in human nature.

One report after another shows people going to heroic extremes to rescue others in distress. People wading through water to pull others to safety. Boat owners combing neighborhoods to get residents stuck in their homes.

In many cases, we’re watching professionals do the work they’ve trained for and that we rely on in times of crisis. I’m in awe of their tireless efforts.

In many other cases, it’s neighbors helping neighbors. Strangers helping strangers. People motivated by nothing more than their shared humanity.

One incident that vividly captured that sense of coming together: people forming a human chain across a flooded street to reach a man caught in his car. Locking hands and arms, they literally became joined for a common purpose.  

Without losing sight of the immense misery, we can’t help but be uplifted by these scenes. They remind us of the goodwill we can find in most everyone around us.

The storm and flooding should also be a reminder to everyone that massive disasters can simply overwhelm the capacity of official emergency responders. You can’t assume you’ll immediately get help. Each of us needs to be prepared and have a plan for ourselves and our families – pets included! Experts recommend you have enough supplies on hand to get you by for at least three days.   

Remember that all County employees are disaster service workers, meaning you could be called on to perform special duties in an emergency. The time when the public needs us most is not the time to be worrying about whether our own families are taken care of. Get those plans in place now.    

Additionally, through the Advanced Recovery Initiative, the County pre-identifies and pre-trains certain employees so they’re ready to perform critical missions like work in shelters, assist 211 San Diego with providing disaster information to the public, and help communities recover at Local Assistance Centers. If you’re interested, email the Office of Emergency Services.  

We’re heading into peak wildfire season. Last winter’s rains have left thick grasses across San Diego and beneath trees dried out by years of drought. It’s all a spark away from igniting. We live in earthquake country, and one could strike anytime. So we may not face Harvey-style flooding, but we have clear threats of our own and need to be prepared.

ReadySanDiego.org is your go-to resource. Go through the Family Disaster Plan and Personal Survival Guide, stock up on supplies, and get your emergency kit together. Information is one of your top survival tools. Register your cellphone for AlertSanDiego to get messages like evacuations notices for a specific address. That’s especially important if you’ve cut your home’s landline. Download the SDEmergency mobile app to get updates about emergency incidents or to do your planning on the go.

Encourage your relatives and friends to take all those steps as well. Working together to prepare will make it a lot easier to pull together in an emergency.

All the people in Harvey’s path face a long road to recovery. The unity we’ve seen in the initial response will be just as important in coping with the aftermath. But the resilience so dramatically on display now gives us hope and gives testament to the power of perseverance and shared effort.


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