Top InSite Stories of 2024

From one-time wellness payments to introducing our new senior leadership team and from  sharing pet pictures to favorite lunch spots, here are the top InSite stories of 2024.

Employees to Receive One-Time Wellness Payment

Who doesn’t love more money? The most-read InSite story of 2024 was about the Board of Supervisors approving a one-time payment to address impacts related to increases in employee healthcare costs for all regular employees.

Gallery: Share Your Vacation Photos

Employee engagement was a common theme among the top stories this year, with County employees sharing part of their lives in and out of work with each other. At the top of the list was a gallery of pictures showing County employees traveling around the globe.

Get to Know Your New County Leadership Team

In September, Chief Administrative Officer Ebony Shelton introduced her new leadership team. A new series of InSite stories started to help County employees get to know their new CAO and leadership team.

Halloween Happenings

Spooky Season was popular on InSite this year with several events from the County’s all-virtual Halloween celebration among the most-read stories. Take a look back at the always-popular Employee Costume Contest, watch a replay of the Lip Sync Battle or enjoy some Employee Pet Photos.

County Employees Help Those Impacted by January Storm and Flooding

After a devastating storm caused severe flooding across San Diego, County employees came together to raise funds for their coworkers impacted by the storm. The San Diego County Employees’ Charitable Organization launched a Flood Relief Fund for County employees to assist with repairs, household items, food, temporary hotel relocation, and other items impacted by flood damage.

Best Places to Eat Close to Work

Feeling hungry? Dozens of County employees shared their favorite spots near work to grab a lunchtime bite. The list featured places to eat at a variety of locations around the County, recommendations on the best menu items and tips on how to get the best deals.

County Employees on the Move

General Services is always working to improve County facilities, not just for us but for the customers we serve. That means a number of us will soon move into new or remodeled spaces, offices or buildings, and in some cases, to entirely new locations. Take a look back at County facilities that opened in 2023 and 2024, major renovation projects that are underway and new projects that are on the horizon.

Skate to Donate

County employees let the good times roll for a good cause in June at a roller-skating fundraiser in support of the County Employees’ Charitable Organization.

2024 Bucket List

Last but not least was a story posted just before the end of 2023 but with 2024 in mind. County employees shared their 2024 Bucket List plans. Did you complete your 2024 goal? Do you have any new ones for 2025?

You May See These Tax Changes on Your Jan. 3 Paycheck

The following tax rates for 2025 will be effective on your Jan. 3 paycheck. This means you may see a difference in your take home pay.

1. Social Security (OASDI): The employer/employee tax rates will continue at 6.2%. The wage base limit will be $176,100, an increase of $7,500 from $168,600 in 2024. The maximum social security tax will be $10,918.20, an increase of $465.00 from $10,453.20 in 2024.

2. Medicare: The employer/employee tax rates will continue at 1.45%. An additional 0.9% will be withheld from employees (not employers) on all wages in excess of $200,000 per year. There is no wage base limit or maximum tax.

3. Federal/State Income Taxes: Federal tax tables for 2025 are available in IRS Publication 15-T and State tax tables for 2025 are available here.

4. SDI: The employee withholding rate will increase from 1.1% in 2024 to 1.2% for 2025. There is no wage base limit or maximum tax.

5. Qualified Transportation Fringes: Amounts are excluded from gross income for employer-provided qualified transportation fringe benefits (transportation in a commuter highway vehicle and any transit pass).

6. Federal Standard Milage Rates (Business Reimbursement): The standard mileage rate will increase from 67 cents to 70 cents per mile as of Jan. 1.

7. Federal Standard Milage Rate (Moving Reimbursement): The standard mileage rate will remain 21.0 cents per mile as of January 1, 2025.

8. Social Security Number on employee’s copies of W-2/W-2c will be masked on all forms issued, including the prior year Form W-2/W-2c available in PeopleSoft Employee Self-Service. The format will be shown as XXX-XX-1234.

Please note that the above rates and amounts are subject to changes by new federal and state legislation.

If you have any questions, please visit Central Payroll Administration on InSite.

CAO Message: Thank You for a Great Year

A message from Chief Administrative Officer Ebony Shelton:

As 2024 draws to a close, I want to say thank you. 

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the year-end celebration event at the County Operations Center recently. You can see all of the festivities in this video. 

I join the leadership team in sharing my gratitude with every employee. Your dedication and passion for supporting the community and each other is what keeps me grounded. You can be proud of the impact your work has made in ways big and small.  

You—our County workforce—are the heart of this organization. Your work drives equity, sustainability, access and other values critical to moving the region forward. In 2024, we overcame challenges, celebrated successes and embraced change together, something we will continue to do in 2025, keeping our focus on our mission and vision. We are prepared for whatever comes our way.   

I look forward to our continued collaboration in the new year. Until then, I hope this season brings you peace, relaxation, and cherished moments with your loved ones. I’m truly grateful for our incredible team and all that we’ve accomplished together. Thank you for everything!  

Your View: DEHQ Team Hard at Work

Jeff Arsua from the Department of Environmental Health and Quality submitted photos of the Food, Water and Housing team conducting routine health inspections during the holiday season.

Share your photos! If you see a coworker getting the job done, a beautiful sunset over your office or a wonderful County program being offered—snap a pic and submit it.

Be sure to include information about the photo and your name. Images may be posted to InSite and shared on social media. 

See more of Your View photos. 

Your View: ARCC Cubicle Holiday Decorations

Melissa Bergeron from the Assessor Recorder County Clerk Office submitted this photo where the Chula Vista staff participated in a cubicle holiday decoration contest to show off their creative skills.

Share your photos! If you see a coworker getting the job done, a beautiful sunset over your office or a wonderful County program being offered—snap a pic and submit it.

Be sure to include information about the photo and your name. Images may be posted to InSite and shared on social media. 

See more of Your View photos. 

Gallery: End of Year Employee Event

An End of Year Employee celebration was held at the County Operations Center on Wednesday, Dec. 18. Plenty of activities were held including live music, games and more.

See the gallery of images from the photo booth and Accomplishment Tree with submissions from employees:

Your View: County Vector Control Fight Mosquitoes in Vista

This photo was submitted by Derein Daniel from the County’s Department of Environmental Health and Quality capturing County Vector Control treating an area in Vista to keep mosquitoes from potentially spreading the dengue virus and protect the public’s health.

Share your photos! If you see a coworker getting the job done, a beautiful sunset over your office or a wonderful County program being offered—snap a pic and submit it.

Be sure to include information about the photo and your name. Images may be posted to InSite and shared on social media. 

See more of Your View photos. 

Share Your Accomplishments

What an “unbe-leaf-able” year! Share one of your 2024 accomplishments. Each submission will be written on an individual paper leaf that will be hung on a giant Accomplishment Tree. The tree will be on display at the End of Year Employee Event at the County Operations Center on Wednesday, Dec. 18.

Submit your accomplishment and learn more about the End of Year celebration.

Note: If you have troubles submitting your accomplishment (200 characters max), please send it to

Enter CECO Raffle

Ready for a staycation? Enter a raffle for a chance to win either a stay at a local hotel or a big meal. The County Employees’ Charitable Organization is selling one ticket for $20 or three tickets for $50. All proceeds will benefit the charity.



  • Tickets must be purchased by 1 p.m., Dec. 18.

  • Winners will be announced at 5 p.m., Dec. 18.

How to Enter

Separately, there’s an opportunity to support CECO through a food fundraiser at the End of Year Employee Event. Come out to enjoy the many activities and grab lunch. MyPozole will be onsite and donating 10% of sales to CECO.

CECO has been the charitable arm of the County of San Diego since 1956. It strives to lend a hand to the community by way of grants to local nonprofit programs and assistance to employees and retirees in need.  

CECO is run by our very own County employees and 100% of money donated benefits local nonprofit agencies and employees or retirees in crisis. 

Donating to CECO makes a big difference to our local community. Earlier this year, the organization distributed $101,507 in grants to 58 local nonprofit programs and the Employee Crisis Fund at its annual awards ceremony. Several local nonprofits, including health clinics, homeless service providers, after school programs and more, received grants. See the full list

See the flyer below.

Your View: Stunning Sunrise Over ROV

This photo was submitted by Kayla Iliff from the County’s Department of Human Resources where her dad captured this stunning sunrise at the Registrar of Voters Office at the County Operations Center.

Share your photos! If you see a coworker getting the job done, a beautiful sunset over your office or a wonderful County program being offered—snap a pic and submit it.

Be sure to include information about the photo and your name. Images may be posted to InSite and shared on social media. 

See more of Your View photos.